Accompany Values

Setting Company Culture

When we founded Accompany back in 2013, we decided to deliberately set our company culture. Before we even had a name, an office or even a first employee, we had our values.


No assholes.


True empathy and passion for the user.


Move fast, fix fast.


Take genuinely good care of each other.


Take responsibility—it’s your company.

True empathy and passion for the user.


Users are the reason why we get up, go to work, and drink so much coffee. We never forget it for a minute.

No assholes.


If you are one, even a really smart one, don’t bother. We can sense you a mile away.

Move fast, fix fast.


We’re building a rocketship. Be the fuel.

True empathy and passion for the user.


Users are the reason why we get up, go to work, and drink so much coffee. We never forget it for a minute.

Take genuinely good care of each other.


Everyone on Team Accompany is essential. Every. Single. Person.

Take responsibility—it’s your company.


Make us better. Push us harder. Tell us what we’re doing right and, better yet, what we’re doing wrong.

Accompany – Acquired by Cisco Systems (May 2018)

After five years of work and friendships, we were acquired by Cisco Systems.