UC Launch

Yesterday, I had a chance to share some thoughts on my founder experience with Accompany with the latest LAUNCH Cohort.

We covered a lot of ground over 40 minutes, centered around 5 key areas:

1. A Particular Set of Skills

Skills and insights picked up along the way before becoming a startup founder that were helpful in the journey and can be learned through other means.

2. Early Days at Accompany

Foundational things we set in place that served us well in our 5 years of Accompany.

3. Cornfield Years

Thoughts on raising the war chest and keeping the team motivated while seeking out product/market fit.

4. Refocusing on Enterprise

Our experience moving the measure of success from individual user decisions to the aggregate impact based on C-Suite objectives.

5. Exit & Beyond

Thoughts on generating inbound interest for your business and our experience with the exit.